
1 tsp dried peppermint leaves or one tea bag peppermint tea

1 tsp cumin seeds

1 heaped tsp grated/minced fresh ginger

1/2-1 tsp honey (ideally Manuka honey) – optional

250ml boiling water


Place the peppermint leaves,cumin seeds and ginger into an infuser, and add the infuser to amug. Alternatively, you could add all ingredients straight into the mug but you will then need to strain the drink through a fine sieve before drinking.

Pour the boiling water over the infuser and let it steep for 10minutes. Remove the infuser or strain through a sieve and enjoy.


Cumin seeds are commonly used in Ayurvedic medicine to treat any digestive discomfort. Ginger is anti-inflammatory, naturally soothes the stomach and can help reduce the production of stomach acid. Ginger Ginger tea can also be enjoyed without the peppermint and cumin and help provide relief from chronic coughs. Adding honey, in particular Manuka honey, to this drink will provide some further cough relief as it’s been shown to effectively relieve cough symptoms.